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Writer: BeaReyesBeaReyes

Corgis are known for their cute stature but did you know that they were originally used to herd cattle to keep the farmer's cattle together? So corgis would nip at their legs to herd them since they had easy access to the cows’ ankles.

Or did you know corgi means "dwarf dog" in Welsh? According to the Oxford English Dictionary, cor means dwarf and gi means dog?  

There's an online article on which shares facts about corgis that even I wasn't aware of. For instance, it was stated that corgis were used to predict Princess Charlotte's name. In the spring of 2015, Prince William and Kate Middleton were awaiting the birth of their second child, people are already taking bets on the name. Although in the end Prince William and Kate chose Charlotte.

Additionally, it was stated that Welsh legend said that fairies used to ride on them.

Some say that the corgi is an “enchanted dog” favored by the enchanted. At night the magical creatures would use the dogs to pull their carriages and be their steeds in battle.

Knowing all those facts, I know it is evident how popular corgis have gotten with their entertaining videos and instagram accounts. To be completely honest with you, there are corgi instagram accounts that have more followers than my friends and I together.

Angelo Castillo DVM (Doctor of Veterinary Medicine) at the La Palma Veterinary Hospital has been in the veterinary field as a technician for over 11 years, but has been practicing as a Veterinarian General Practitioner for 5 years.

When it comes to treating corgis, Veterinarian Castillo said, "I have seen many Corgis as patients, especially most recently now that they are becoming more popular with the public. I would say most of the Corgis I have handled, had had great temperaments. We always say: bad behavior or aggression is a learned trait. Many of the things we do as an owner influence our pets behavior; Just how pets can learn to do tricks, they can also learn to behave properly."

Image owned by: Ries the Corgi

Ryan and Nick of Massachusetts own a corgi named Ries. They said that they came up with the name by talking about food or a word of meaning, but when they met her (their corgi) none of the names they came up with really fit. But they both like wine and they said she was so sweet so Riesling was the perfect fit for their corgi.

Image owned by: Winnie the Corgi

While owner from California Danielle Bruncati fell in love with corgi's little legs and ears, her corgi was given to her as a gift from her parents and named her corgi Winnie because her favorite Disney character is Winnie the Pooh.

Bruncati said, " I've always loved corgis. I think they're really cute and really expressive. They always know how to make people smile."

Social media has been an ongoing topic on my blog and i think it's because it is a big part of our lives especially with the millennials and new generation. I mean if corgis have their own instagram accounts and event youtube accounts that goes to show you that instagram not only has a impact on our lives but even with the life of a pet.

Massachusetts residents stated that they follow a couple of dog accounts in which they like watching videos and looking at pics of pups.

"Is it bad, we thought it could get annoying posting so much on our personal insta accounts of her so we made her own. We now see it as a photo life journal for her and it’s entertaining imagining what she is thinking if she was a human"Massachusetts residents said.

California resident, has followed a lot of corgi instagrams on her own account and really loved the community all these accounts had with each other. She also had some friends who urged her to share the pictures she sent them on social media so others could experience them too.

Bruncati stated, "I followed a lot of corgi instagrams on my own account and really loved the community all these accounts had with each other. I also had some friends who urged me to share the pictures I sent with them on social media so others could experience them too."

As I have discussed social media is a big part of our lives and it even has a bad and good impact. That also goes for the dog community. With social media evolving so quickly, Veterinarian Castillo expressed that he thinks social media has become a good platform in reaching out to owners and education owners.

"However, as much as I think it is helpful, I can also see how it has been abused throughout the years. So many times do my clients receive false information from social media, some which at times have been harmful to their pets health. I have seen many patients, whom have been self-diagnosed by their owner and attempted to treat with human medication, ultimately get worse because they were unaware of possible pet toxicities, improper administration, improper handling, etc." DVM Castillo said.

While Bruncati thinks that a dog's instagram is a good thing. "I think for the most part it’s a good impact on the dog community. I think a lot of accounts try to educate their followers on what it takes to be a dog owner and certain breeds and things like that. It certainly fosters a community for owners to get together and share their concerns and just connect with people. I’m sure it’s a positive impact on dogs too because a lot of people do meet ups where the dogs get to be dogs and play together. 

Corgis are known to be Instagram cute due to their body and their little legs although DVM Castillo mentioned how as cute as they are corgi owners should be careful because obesity is something that unfortunately something that troubles many pets including the Corgi breed.

Veterinarian Castillo added that Corgis can be a bit difficult to assess body condition because of their unique stature, so it is always recommended to go to your Veterinarian every year and have their body condition properly assessed. Studies have shown that obesity has shortened a pet’s lifespan on an average of  2 whole years; additionally it does make our pets more prone to secondary complications such as diabetes, arthritis, back problems. 

It's unfortunate that supposedly some dog owners post their dogs on social media to become "instafamous" or gain more followers, Ryan and Nick think that documenting the stages of life with your dog is a positive impact although they both said, "We see how it can be negative though if you don't put your dogs well being first. Meaning that dog owners need to love their dog and care for them and remember that dogs aren't an avenue to become famous or gain followers"

Veterinarian Castillo thinks that each person has their own intentions when using social media. Although he stated, "there are those select few who use their pets as a medium for social growth I would say most people just post their pets just to show everyone how happy they make them with the hopes of sparking joy in those that see the post too."

Additionally Bruncati also agreed that having a social media account for a pet can gave a negative impact, "I'm sure there are some accounts who get sucked into the “influencer” nature of things. I definitely think there can be a bad impact though because certain breeds do become more favored and backyard breeders and puppy mills may try to take advantage of that."

Despite the positive and negative outcomes of having a social media account for a pet, there was always that saying that "a dog is a man's best friend."

Veterinarian Castillo is a cat and dog person and he stated, "I think any pet can be anyone’s best friend. It is amazing how pets can help people with so many disorders: stress, depression, anxiety etc. I personally think everyone should try to have a pet in their lifetime, they bring so much happiness into our lives. One of my more favorite quotes is “I did not save my pet; they saved me"

Bruncati expressed that Winnie is her best friend because she brightens her day, "Winnie knows when I need her, if I'm sad she'll cuddle with me and I am always there for her."

According to it stated that there are health benefits in having a a pet such as a dog and that they help make healthy lifestyle changes.

Additionally it stated, Research has shown pet owners are less likely to suffer from depression than those without pets."

Even Massachusetts residents agree, " Ries is always there for us. No matter what kind of day we have she is always there and so happy to see us with er little tail spinning like a helicopter. She brings us so much so to our lives and the best part of the day is when we are with her."

Ok dad if you are reading this, it's time for me to get a corgi. But kidding aside Corigs are too cute for words and how can you not think that they are adorable!? I mean they are so cute Buzzfeed posted 108 reasons why corgis are really great!



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